Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Daisy Duck's Post on Wednesday, March 30, 2016

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Every year Glenco does a volleyball camp. I went to it last year and the year before. First they split you into two gyms. All of the 2nd,3rd, and 4th graders stayed in one gym. Everyone else goes in the big gym. Then the groups do rotations. There are different stations you go two. My favorite station was when we threw tennis balls against the wall.. The people helping us said that throwing the tennis balls against the wall helps with you with your arm movement. Each station there would be candy that they would pass out. They would only pass it out to the best listener. I got the candy sometimes. At the end of the day. The person who tried there best got a bracelet. I never got one. There was a lot of good volleyball players in my group. One the last day of the camp all we do is games. My favorite part is when the leaders give you buckets and buckets of candy. Have you ever gone to a volleyball camp?


  1. I like your story a lot and how you said your favorite part. I have never gotten to go to a volley ball camp but I want to. Did you know anyone there?

    1. My cousins went to the camp but they were the only people that I knew.
      Daisy Duck
