Monday, March 28, 2016

Now Hobby

Easy Blog Photo
Sewing I have a new hobby. It is sewing. I have been making pillowcases, dresses for my American Girl doll Grace, and practice patches. I first got some fabric and a small sewing kit when I went to Tri-Cities to get my braces on my teeth. I was so excited! Inside the kit there was a red pin cushion in the shape of a tomato. There was also two kinds of scissors. One for string and one for fabric. I’ve use the scissors the most. I actually got to use a real sewing machine at my grandma’s house. I used it to make my first pillowcase. I carefully guided the fabric through the machine, and I watched the needle push the thread into the fabric. The needle moves smoothly and fast. I hope to have my own machine someday. Do you have a favorite hobby?

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job on you're story. I do have a favorite hobby my favorite hobby is to dance. What color is you're fabric?
