Friday, March 18, 2016


Easy Blog Photo
 Me and all my friends got to play at the park sometimes it is fun to play at the park with my friends. At the park we swing together we also go on the Monkey bars It is so fun playing with my friends some times they go to my house at my house we go in the garden and play on my chrapuling. We do cart wheels on the chapulling it is so much fun. My mom makes us drinks and snacks to eat when we are done.we go to the store to buy food and toys and when we got home we opened the toys and we got to play with them together it was fun playing with the toys and when my mom called for diner but my friends had to go home but I said mom can they stay for dinner and she said ok. We ate chicken and corn and potatoes with gravy it was yummy when we were done we had to go to bed.


  1. Great job. What is you're favorite thing to do with you're friends?

  2. I love your title and details.
